...Precious Memories...
The perfect title to this post. I am so blessed- beyond words to have made memories I will never forget. Last week my Mom, Grandma Tiedt, and Grandma Ellison all came out to Connecticut to visit me. We had a great time with many laughs and some great stories to remember. I can't really explain to anyone what it's like to have visitors come to a new place, or to a travel assignment. For me it's the opportunity to show whoever visits what my life has been like out here. To show them a little piece of this new life I'm living in Connecticut. I was so thankful to share that with them. They are three of the most important people in my life and I felt beyond blessed to have all three of them here. I know it wasn't easy for my grandmothers or my mom to make it happen... and I appreciate them going way out of their way to come see me. I also appreciate my family back home for allowing them to come... for watching over my grandpa's and Tom for holding down the fort at home. Thank you to all of you! I appreciate you.
The perfect title to this post. I am so blessed- beyond words to have made memories I will never forget. Last week my Mom, Grandma Tiedt, and Grandma Ellison all came out to Connecticut to visit me. We had a great time with many laughs and some great stories to remember. I can't really explain to anyone what it's like to have visitors come to a new place, or to a travel assignment. For me it's the opportunity to show whoever visits what my life has been like out here. To show them a little piece of this new life I'm living in Connecticut. I was so thankful to share that with them. They are three of the most important people in my life and I felt beyond blessed to have all three of them here. I know it wasn't easy for my grandmothers or my mom to make it happen... and I appreciate them going way out of their way to come see me. I also appreciate my family back home for allowing them to come... for watching over my grandpa's and Tom for holding down the fort at home. Thank you to all of you! I appreciate you.
The week for me was more than just having family here. It was unity- where part of my world was once torn apart... unity that my mom and her mom came out, but so did my dads mom. My mom and dad divorced when I was two. I'm so thankful that this could happen- that beyond all of the drama and separation that came with the divorce, that they were all still willing to come out here. That they are still friends. Family.. really. Everything happens in this life for a reason and I have learned to never question Gods perfect plan through the circumstances of life.
The week will be shared easiest by pictures of course... and I took many!!! (A lot of them were taken with my phone so pardon the quality. :-) ) And I'm warning you all now.. this is long!! I have lots I want to remember!
Arrival Day: Tuesday: September 20, 2011
I worked a short day on Tuesday so I could pick them up at the airport around 4:00 Tuesday afternoon. I was beyond excited for them to get here!!!
Pick up at Bradley. Notice Grandma Ellison's sunglasses.. I had left them with Heidi and she sent them with grandma to give me... she's such a character!!! :-) (BTW- Heidi- C is in BIG trouble for breaking them!!!! ;-) ) |
Happy. |
Grandma E got carded for her margarita. :-) |
These pictures remind me of the pictures that Laura, Sally, and I took in the cab in New York City.. Grandma and I had gone to bed and decided to take a picture.. which turned into like 6 pictures... :-)
Grandma- keep your eyes open! |
Eyes are open!!!! |
And then we laughed.... hard. |
Generations.. |
We were all tired, them from traveling and me from working so much before they got here. We slept in and got up, had breakfast, and got ready for the day.
Grandma did what she does best (with my help, of course!!! ;-) ) and put together an awesome dinner for us to enjoy when we got home!
These pictures (below) crack me up because, of course, there is a story behind them... One of the grandma's (I wont mention which one...) kept getting confused because all three of them had their toiletries in a clear plastic bag (acceptable to carry on the plane..). We had sort of laughed when Grandma was confused... but we REALLY laughed when mom walked into the bathroom and Grandma was holding someones hemorrhoid cream instead of toothpaste!!!!!! Mom grabbed it and said, "That's not toothpaste!!!" Needless to say Grandma found the right bag, and the right tube.. and got her teeth brushed.. but after a LOT of laughing.
We headed into Hartford- I took them up to the unit I work in. It was fun for me to share that with them, and show them where I spend so much of my time here in CT!! They also got to meet a lot of my co-workers which was fun.
From the hospital we drove around a bit- I drove them past my favorite church in Hartford- it's big and beautiful... I need to stop and take a picture of it sometime before I leave. I also drove them past Mark Twain's house. I had toured it already with my friend Sally. It's a fun piece of history in Hartford.
If you have never been to New England you need to go..and when you do make time to go to Deerfield, Mass and go to the Yankee Candle Factory!!!! What a great place!!! It took us all day to get through it and they ended up having to kick us out at the end because we could have spent even more time there!
Mom and Grandma Tiedt- They were both very excited!! |
She is too cute.
Rows and rows and rows... of candles....
After going through the first few rooms and smelling way more kinds of candles than I knew they even made... we made it into the Christmas room. Mom was going crazy.. it was the village room!! If you know my mom at all or have been to her house at Christmastime you know she has a village..and loves her village. It took us a very long time to get through this room!!!!
Can you tell she is excited!!? |
Grandma Tiedt and I resting. |
Mom and I being silly.... |
Santa said he WILL be stopping at our houses... we are on the nice list. :-) |
From there we walked into the candy section!!!!...
Love. |
And rows and rows and rows.. of candy!!!!!!!!!!
I don't really like fudge but this fudge was amazing...!!!
Note Lois: bottom right.... ;-) |
It was fun- they had several different kinds of wax you could put in your candle- and no limit on how much kinds you could use. The wax came out in little pellets.
And Lois reappears.... :-)
After filling our jars they would take them and place them under these heat lamps long enough to melt the top layer of wax.
Our finished candles below.
Jessica, Norma, Sue, Lois. YCF. |
On the way home we had to enjoy the treats Grandma Ellison bought for us.. it was a great day with lots of shopping and LOTS of laughing! We drove back to my apartment in Middletown and enjoyed our dinner, and went to bed early to prepare for day 2.. in NYC!!
New York City!!!! What a day!!!!
We got up early and headed down to the train station to take the subway into the city. The times I had gone down before I took the bus.. but I'm glad we could experience the train- and it paid off on our way home- which you will see soon!!!!
My beautiful mother and I. |
We took the bus to Times Square where we ate lunch.
Grandma E, Me, Grandma T, and Mom in Times Square |
We ate at the Brooklyn Diner in Times Square- amazing food!
Split pea soup to the left and a reuben below....
After lunch we hopped back on the bus to the Empire State Building. Grandma Ellison, Mom, and I all went up to the observation deck. Grandma Tiedt decided not to go up because she had done it before and I sercretly think she was a little scared... ;-)
There are 102 floors- they take you on the elevator up a ways (I don't remember exactly how far) and let you off on a floor where you see how it was built. I LOVED this part- they gave all sorts of fun facts and the windows (below) were painted as if you could look out and see the people building.
A view of Manhattan from the ferry. |
I love this picture. |
After getting off the ferry we walked a ways- past wall street and the financial district. While walking we saw this McDonalds- I have never seen a McDonalds that delivers.... |
(after about 15 minutes of trying on sweatshirts she decided to pass and look for one later :-) )
New York City is such an amazing place and I'm glad I got to experience it with three of the most important women in my life!!
NYC wore all of us out. We decided to spend Friday sleeping in and just spending time together. We played a lot of cards and ordered Chinese. :-)
Day Four: Saturday September 24, 2011
Saturday we decided to venture a little bit into Rhode Island. We had talked about going to Boston but decided that NYC was enough of a big day trip. We drove around to some places I had been and some I hadn't- we found some BEAUTIFUL places in Rhode Island- it is one of my favorite states. I (of course) took a lot of pictures...
Mom and I: Rhode Island |
One of my favorites. |
Day Five: Sunday September 25, 2011
Newport, Rhode Island
On Sunday we got up early and started the 3 hour drive to Newport. When I started my job in Hartford I asked all of the nurses about places they would reccomend me to travel. Newport was at the top of the list and I hadn't been there yet, so it worked perfect!!! It was BEAUTIFUL day!!!
This is a picture of a postcard- but I thought it was neat to be able to see the entire Breaker mansion and Newport. |
Above- all four of us in fron the backside of the mansion. Below- All four of us facing the back of the mansion with the grounds behind us.
One of the trees in the yard.. I really wanted to climb it!!!
Where we ate dinner. |
And then we watched the sunset.... |
That was the end of our advnetures. We all loved Newport. It was a busy enough day but not too busy and we all loved driving through Rhode Island.
As I said above I am so thankfu for the time I had with them. What a trip full of laughs and memories... memories that will forever have a very special place in my heart!!!
I am blessed.
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