Lately I've been thinking a lot about seasons. Seasons such as spring, summer, fall, and winter. But also, seasons of life and the seasons of my walk with the Lord. I think living in Las Vegas has really made me not only miss, but appreciate Iowa. The seasons are so different. Talking to my family or reading facebook posts about the spring showers and thunderstorms make me miss Iowa. Living in the desert is nothing like Iowa in that respect. They have higher temperatures, probably more sunshine, and a LOT more wind. But they don't have the beautiful natural flowers and the green grass. Don't get me wrong, I have enjoyed the warm weather and the sunshine (I have a peeling forehead as proof of that), but I am looking forward to coming home. Having four actual seasons is nice, and fun. I know winter does get long and the cold can get really old really fast, but I think we are blessed with four seasons in Iowa and I will try to remember that in the future.
Seasons of life... This might sound so silly and stupid but have you ever thought about the seasons of life? Life goes so fast. We start as little kids depending on our parents for everything, into High School where the only thing you ever know or think about is High School and yourself. And into college.. where you meet friends and take risks and make big decisions- some you'll never regret and some you will regret forever. You can't wait for the last day of finals to be over and get into the "real world"... where there aren't rules or deadlines for homework.. if only I would have known then. If I knew then that life is FULL of deadlines and personal "homework". Oh how I would love to go back to that stage of my life sometimes, that care-free, happy go lucky lifestyle where the friends I had were friends I thought I would have forever and the stresses of life were finals. But life happens.. seasons change.. and life goes on. My friends are different, my stresses are different, and all of that has left me pondering what I am doing with my life.
Who am I? What am I doing for myself, my family and what tiny part am I playing to make this world a better place? In this season of my life right now I am a traveling nurse. I take care of babies, and I love what I do. I am a daughter, sister, niece, granddaughter, cousin, aunt, godmother, and friend. I am 24 (almost 25-eek!) years young. I am a Christian. I have so much life behind me, and yet so much ahead of me. Where am I going and what will define me as a person, a daughter, sister, friend.. etc. How will people remember me and what impact will I have on them? I would hope and pray that I will have a positive impact on people. I pray that the hardships I've lived through in these 24 years will be used by God to help those that have to live through the same hardships. I hope that as a neonatal nurse that I can continue to bring some hope and faith to the thousands of families I have met and will meet in the future.
I have said it several times before and I will say it again. I am not where I thought I would be at this point in my life. I am not a wife or a mommy. Sometimes that still really bothers me. And other times, most of the time, I am OK with that. I know that God has put me exactly where I am supposed to be. He has given me cards to play and I have decided how to play them. I haven't always made the best decisions, but every decision I have made has made me a stronger, healthier person. I know that someday God will grant me the desires of my heart. I will find love again, and someday I will have babies of my own. I cannot wait for that day, BUT until then I will keep living. And not just living to live, but living to enjoy life. I'm learning to be content, right where I am, with who I am, and how I am. I will continue to love those sweet little babies the Lord allows me to care for. I will love and care for my precious niece and nephew, I will be there for and pray for my godchildren, and hopefully I will be setting a good example for everyone who is watching.
I have lived, loved, and taken chances. God willing, my life and adventures are far from over. I am excited to continue to define who I am, learn more about myself, and fulfill this journey the Lord has put me on. I know regardless of where I end up I have the biggest group of supporters I could ever dream of. I am SO very thankful for that and I promise to NEVER take that for granted. God has given me the best family and friends I could ever ask for, and if you're reading this you know who you are. Thank-you for supporting and loving me on this journey!
I am enjoying this journey... and with views like this- how could it be any different!?
Taken during a recent trip to Mt. Charleston with Ashleigh.. a longer post to come. |
In HIS name...